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play poke yasuo like faker
faker manages to pick aurelion sol
teemo time!
vayne mid
faker plays without screen
faker is the reason zed is still banned in korea
high elo korean urf madness!
korea finally lets faker play galio!
help! huni is on my team again!
faker keeps his word! mid garen
don't play riven mid
zero deaths yasuo
faker goes ham on irelia
there's no mid anymore
Uploaded by: Imperskiy Voin
Views: 775
Arcane Comet MID ORNN - Faker's Stream Highlights (Translated)
play poke yasuo like faker
faker manages to pick aurelion sol
teemo time!
vayne mid
faker plays without screen
faker is the reason zed is still banned in korea
high elo korean urf madness!
korea finally lets faker play galio!
help! huni is on my team again!
goodbye skt t1 peanut
faker gets his revenge vs samsung!
skt team plays find the teemo
skt t1 faker
Uploaded by: Yato
Views: 807
Get Ready for Kleptomancy Smebzreal! - Smeb's Stream Highlights (Translated)
doublelift showing off his b tier adc skills
skt team plays find the teemo
help! huni is on my team again!
korea finally lets faker play galio!
high elo korean urf madness!
faker is the reason zed is still banned in korea
faker plays without screen
vayne mid
teemo time!
faker manages to pick aurelion sol
play poke yasuo like faker
Uploaded by: Bevia Scylertia
Views: 491
Naisuuu / we lost
play poke yasuo like faker
faker manages to pick aurelion sol
teemo time!
vayne mid
faker plays without screen
faker is the reason zed is still banned in korea
high elo korean urf madness!
korea finally lets faker play galio!
help! huni is on my team again!
skt t1 faker
Uploaded by: Imperskiy Voin
Views: 616
LCK chase
teemo time!
vayne mid
teddy & clid having fun in urf!
bang and huni reunited in na
little girl
pedobear song
Uploaded by: Sir Rivert
Views: 912
Tobias Faker - The Secret Phantom Barrel Technique! - Faker's Stream Highlights (Translated)
play poke yasuo like faker
faker manages to pick aurelion sol
teemo time!
vayne mid
faker plays without screen
faker is the reason zed is still banned in korea
high elo korean urf madness!
korea finally lets faker play galio!
help! huni is on my team again!
zoe is a shitty champion
faker playing in na soloq
goodbye skt t1 peanut
faker gets his revenge vs samsung!
Uploaded by: Yato
Views: 457
faker plays kayn but every time he kills it gets faster!
the civil engineer! - poly bridge
peanut abuses faker in his middle
help! huni is on my team again!
korea finally lets faker play galio!
high elo korean urf madness!
faker is the reason zed is still banned in korea
faker plays without screen
vayne mid
teemo time!
faker manages to pick aurelion sol
play poke yasuo like faker
Uploaded by: Guga Varazashvili
Views: 567
MID AGAIN! - Faker's Stream Highlights (Translated)
play poke yasuo like faker
faker manages to pick aurelion sol
teemo time!
vayne mid
faker plays without screen
faker is the reason zed is still banned in korea
high elo korean urf madness!
korea finally lets faker play galio!
help! huni is on my team again!
+0.25 seconds cd?? unplayable!
faker gets his revenge vs skt
faker finds out about veigar
faker gets his revenge vs samsung!
skt t1 faker
Uploaded by: Yato
Views: 538
MID AGAIN! - Faker's Stream Highlights (Translated)
play poke yasuo like faker
faker manages to pick aurelion sol
teemo time!
vayne mid
faker plays without screen
faker is the reason zed is still banned in korea
high elo korean urf madness!
korea finally lets faker play galio!
help! huni is on my team again!
+0.25 seconds cd?? unplayable!
faker gets his revenge vs skt
faker finds out about veigar
faker gets his revenge vs samsung!
skt t1 faker
Uploaded by: Yato
Views: 526
skt t1 huni
lee sin
faker plays without screen
faker is the reason zed is still banned in korea
it's teemo time!
high elo korean urf madness
faker on zed again?
vayne mid
faker meets huni!
faker plays teemo again!
faker vs huni's
dopa/apdo finally meets faker!
the funniest game ever! full skt squad!
faker goes ashe mid!
after vayne
faker stops huni
Uploaded by: Imperskiy Voin
Views: 441
SKT torture
play poke yasuo like faker
faker manages to pick aurelion sol
teemo time!
vayne mid
faker plays without screen
faker is the reason zed is still banned in korea
high elo korean urf madness!
korea finally lets faker play galio!
help! huni is on my team again!
why is janna op?
the civil engineer!
faker plays kayn but every time he kills it gets faster!
Uploaded by: Imperskiy Voin
Views: 685