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SABATON - Night Witches (Cover by Jonathan Young)
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shiroyama jonathan young
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sabaton jonathan young
sabaton version
the last stand cover
shiroyama cover
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jonathan young the last stand
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sabaton cover
jonathan young night witches
jonathan young sabaton
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jonathan young
Uploaded by: Abriellka
Views: 35.273
Jonathan Young - Children of Night (feat. @Three Days Grace )
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three days grace
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Uploaded by: NickMondo12
Views: 12.020
Valhalla Calling
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jonathan young miracle of sound
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Uploaded by: Abriellka
Views: 3.759
Unholy (Sam Smith) METAL COVER by @Jonathan Young & @Lauren Babic
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sam smith remix
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unholy goes heavy
sam smith goes heavy
unholy heavy
sam smith heavy
unholy screamo
sam smith screamo
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jonathan young cover
Uploaded by: ZouBr
Views: 890